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New Arrival - 10/11

Lyle Dickerson Model 861711 Bamboo Fly Rod 8'6" 3/2 #5/6


A Lyle Dickerson / Ray Bergman 861711 bamboo fly rod, 8'6", 3-piece, 2-tip, and built for what feels to me like a #5 or #6. The rod weighs 4.9 ounces on my scale. Fair to good condition. Fast action. Good because the inner snake guides show modest wear. Fair because the varnish has issues with chips and bag adhesion, especially in the upper tips, which has been compounded by a rod bag with an internal fuzzy nap to it, some of which still clings to the varnish. The ferrule wrap on the mid female and one tip top look to have been replaced. The rod sections are in good condition with no hook digs and are full length. Except for the aforementioned wraps the rest appears original as does the lettering. A bit of professional attention could put this rod back in tip top shape. The ferrule fits are still good and the step ferrules are oxidized with various degrees of preservation. The grip is 5 3/4" long and shaped to a bluntish cigar. The reel seat is the typical downlocking aluminum screwlock with a nickel silver pocket cap and wood spacer. I would swap in a different bag than the aforementioned one. The rod packs into an aluminum tube with brass fittings.

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